Welsh Film & TV Consultation Deadline Looms

Welsh Film & TV Consultation Deadline Looms

The Culture, Welsh Language and Communications Committee is holding an inquiry into Film and Major Television Production in Wales, asking for public submissions to assist them in the following areas:

  • To achieve clarity on the Welsh Government’s policy aims for funding film and major television production in Wales, and transparency as to why and how decisions are made in this area;
  • The support given by the Welsh Government to develop the film and television industries in Wales including:
    • Economic impact, and how this is spread across Wales;
    • Cultural impact, including the Welsh language;
    • Value for money.
  • How support for the sector may be affected by the Welsh Government’s new Economic Action Plan;
  • To investigate how Ffilm Cymru Wales, the BFI and others support the sector, and how this work complements the work of the Welsh Government in this area;
  • The support given to develop skills and address skills shortages in the industry, whether there is sufficient data to map existing skills.

Since 1999 there has been large growth in the film and TV production sector in Wales, and across the UK as a whole. Growth has been significantly faster in Wales that it has across the UK as a whole. However, the sector in Wales still forms far less than a population-based share of the sector in the UK as a whole.

The Welsh Government currently invests in film and television production in Wales through its £30 million Media Investment Budget and Wales Screen Fund. Its investment decisions are guided by its Media Investment Panel.

The Welsh Government has recently invested in major production studios in Wales such as Pinewood in Wentloog, and Wolf Studios in Cardiff.

Formerly known as Film Agency for Wales, Ffilm Cymru Wales distributes lottery-funding in Wales, and receives some funding from the British Film Institute. It aims to develop a film sector in Wales and maximise the economic, educational and cultural benefits of film.

Film and television producers in Wales can currently apply for EU funding from the Creative Europe and Media programmes.


The deadline for submissions to this exercise is 17:00 on Wednesday, 11 April.

If you have any questions or would like further information please do not hesitate to contact us. For clarity, there is no designated form for submissions. For those who would like to submit their response electronically, please send your submission in the body of an e-mail or as an attachment to SeneddCWLC@assembly.wales

For those who would like to submit their views in hard copy, letters can be addressed as follows:

Culture, Welsh Language Communication Committee, National Assembly for Wales, Ty Hywel, Cardiff Bay, CF99 1NA.


You can find out more information on how to submit to the committee on the Senedd website.