Welcome to Wales Arts Review’s 2015 General Election Coverage, a week of comment, articles and blogs looking at several different aspects of the issues at stake in what the polls are suggesting will be the closest election in memory. Produced by our non-fiction editor Ben Glover, here you can access new views and opinions every day culminating in a live blog through the night on May 7th until the early hours of Friday.
Check back here for daily updates, or follow us on social media for all the latest.
Thursday May 7th
A compilation of 30 tracks to get you in the box-ticking groove.
Fear and Loathing in the Campaign Trail ’05
Former candidate Matthew Mathias asks us to spare a thought for those standing on this polling day.
With three hours until polling closes, Ben Glover asks – Should I vote?
Wednesday May 6th
Ben Glover looks at the increasing popularity of the UK’s right wing parties.
Where Do We Stand on the Prostitution Debate?
Stephanie Davies-Arai examines the prostitution debate ahead of the General Election.
Tuesday May 5th
Dr Bela Arora, Senior Lecturer in Global Governance at the University of South Wales, looks at the influence that the television debates have on voting behaviour.
Missives from the Electoral Frontier
Rhod Beard offers his distinctive view on the unfolding ‘drama’ of the GE campaign.
Monday May 4th
Do We Need to Worry About the Cardiff Bay Bubble?
Dr Peter Allen, lecturer in British Politics at Queen Mary’s University of London, reviews the legitimacy for our political arrangements in Cardiff and Westminster.
Ben Glover looks at the lack of political engagement by Britain’s poor.
Matthew Harding on the Labour Party pledges.
You can also look back on our Election Diary, stretching all the way back to the dissolution of parliament at the beginning of April (weeks one, two, three and four), and more cartoons from Matthew Harding.