Lorne Campbell to replace Kully Thiarai as Artistic Director of National Theatre Wales

Lorne Campbell Appointed National Theatre Wales Artistic Director

Lorne Campbell has been announced as the new Artistic Director of National Theatre Wales to succeed Kully Thiarai

Clive Jones, Chair of NTW, today announced the appointment of a new Artistic Director to succeed Kully Thiarai. Lorne Campbell, who is currently Artistic Director of Northern Stage, will take up the role in Spring 2020.

Scottish theatre director, Lorne Campbell began his career at the Traverse Theatre in Edinburgh and most recently was Artistic Director of Northern Stage. He was appointed to the role in 2013 and by the time of his departure he will have served in that role and as joint Chief Executive for almost 7 years, partnering with Executive Director Kate Denby since 2015. Highlights of his time at Northern Stage include The Bloody Great Border Ballad (2015) Get Carter (2016) and The Last Ship (2018), and Northern Stage’s multi-award winning showcasing work at the Edinburgh Fringe. Under Campbell’s leadership, Northern Stage has produced more work, attracted greater audiences, developed its commitment to nurturing talent across the North East and pioneered new co-creation models with young people and communities of economic disadvantage.

Prior to Northern Stage, Campbell worked as a freelance theatre director creating productions for Liverpool Everyman and Playhouse Theatres, Birmingham Rep, Theatre Royal Bath, Traverse Theatre, The Almeida and Hull Truck. He was Associate Director at the Traverse Theatre between 2004 and 2008. He worked as a Course Director at Drama Centre and as a Creative Fellow of the RSC between 2011 and 2013 and as founding co-Artistic Director of Greyscale between 2009 and 2013.

Clive Jones, Chair of National Theatre Wales said: “We were impressed by the range and depth of Lorne’s artistic work, his obvious leadership skills and clear commitment to promoting and developing Welsh talent. He will bring a new energy and vitality to theatre in Wales.”


Heddiw, cyhoeddodd Clive Jones, Cadeirydd NTW, fod Cyfarwyddwr Artistig newydd wedi’i benodi i olynu Kully Thiarai. Bydd Lorne Campbell, sydd ar hyn o bryd yn Gyfarwyddwr Artistig Northern Stage, yn ymgymryd â’r rôl yn ystod gwanwyn 2020.

Dechreuodd y cyfarwyddwr theatr o’r Alban, Lorne Campbell, ar ei yrfa yn Traverse Theatre yng Nghaeredin ac yn fwyaf diweddar bu’n Gyfarwyddwr Artistig ar Northern Stage. Fe’i penodwyd i’r rôl yn 2013 ac erbyn iddo ymadael bydd wedi gwasanaethu yn y rôl honno ac fel Prif Weithredwr ar y cyd am bron i 7 mlynedd, gan bartneru gyda’r Cyfarwyddwr Gweithredol Kate Denby ers 2015. Mae uchafbwyntiau ei gyfnod yn Northern Stage yn cynnwys The Bloody Great Border Ballad (2015) Get Carter (2016) a The Last Ship (2018), a gwaith arddangos arobryn Northern Stage yng Ngŵyl Ymylol Caeredin. O dan arweinyddiaeth Campbell, mae Northern Stage wedi cynhyrchu mwy o waith, wedi denu mwy o gynulleidfaoedd, wedi datblygu ei ymrwymiad i feithrin talent ledled y gogledd-ddwyrain ac wedi arloesi gyda modelau cyd-greu newydd gyda phobl ifanc a chymunedau dan anfantais economaidd.

Cyn mynd i Northern Stage, gweithiodd Campbell fel cyfarwyddwr theatr llawrydd, gan greu cynyrchiadau ar gyfer theatrau Everyman a Playhouse yn Lerpwl, Birmingham Rep, Theatre Royal Caerfaddon, Traverse Theatre, The Almeida a Hull Truck. Roedd yn Gyfarwyddwr Cyswllt yn Traverse Theatr rhwng 2004 a 2008. Bu’n gweithio fel Cyfarwyddwr Cwrs yn Drama Centre ac fel Cymrawd Creadigol yr RSC rhwng 2011 a 2013 ac fel cyd-Gyfarwyddwr Artistig sylfaenol Greyscale rhwng 2009 a 2013.

Meddai Clive Jones, Cadeirydd NTW: “Roedd amrywiaeth a dyfnder gwaith artistig Lorne, ei sgiliau arwain amlwg a’i ymrwymiad clir i hyrwyddo a datblygu talent Cymru wedi creu argraff arnom. Bydd yn dod ag egni a bywiogrwydd newydd i’r theatr yng Nghymru.”


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