In the latest Wales Arts Review OffScript podcast interview, Gary Raymond talks to the cabinet secretary in charge of arts and culture in Wales, Ken Skates AM (his actual title is Cabinet Secretary for Economy and Infrastructure). On a sunny weekday afternoon down Cardiff Bay, Ken spoke about the role of government in developing the art of a nation, and how government can in nurture the arts in order so that they can play a major part in the health of Wales. But Ken also addresses some of the issues that seem to put admirable Welsh Government rhetoric when it comes to the arts at odds with perceptions of its actions. Recently, for instance, the study of English Literature became non-statutory for Welsh pupils taking GCSEs, opening the Welsh Government to accusations of depriving lower-achieving children the access to potential life-changing study of novels, poetry and plays.
But Ken also talks about the perceived demotion of arts and culture from a full ministerial post in Wales, as well as his own experiences of the intrinsic value of the arts.
Also look out for an update on what is happening with the Welsh government’s “Support for Literature” review.
This podcast is supported by Arts Council Wales